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Pascal/Delphi Source File  |  1997-03-02  |  57KB  |  1,542 lines

  1. UNIT OutMan;
  2. {╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗}
  3. {║ Outbound manager                              Last changed: 02.03.97  SA ║}
  4. {║                                                                          ║}
  5. {║                         (C) Copyright 1989-97 by                         ║}
  6. {║       Dan Wulff, Jens Sandalgaard, Steen Christensen & S¢ren Ager        ║}
  7. {║                                                                          ║}
  8. {║ This source may not be given to anybody, without the written permission  ║}
  9. {║ from The Portal Team.                                                    ║}
  10. {╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝}
  11. {$I POPDEFS.INC}
  15. USES Use32;
  17. PROCEDURE OutboundManager;
  21. USES Dos, OpCrt, OpString, OpWindow, OpRoot, OpDos, OpCmd, OpKey,
  22.      MailUtil, UnixDate, FileUtil, Display, StrUtil, Input, Keyboard,
  23.      OutUtil, InterCom, OproUtil, NetFile, Resource, SimpDB, Globals,
  24.      LogFile, Util, ArcView, PoPTypes;
  26. TYPE
  27.   OutboundPtrType= ^OutboundEntry;
  28.   OutboundEntry  = Object(DoubleListNode)
  29.                      Address        : TFidoAddress;
  30.                      Path           : PathStr;
  31.                      Name           : S12;
  32.                      Typ,
  33.                      Stat           : Char;
  34.                      Siz            : LongInt;
  35.                      DoAfter        : String[1];
  36.                      Marked         : Boolean;
  38.                      Constructor Init;
  39.                    END;
  42.   CONSTRUCTOR OutboundEntry.Init;
  43.   BEGIN
  44.     IF Not DoubleListNode.Init THEN Fail;
  45.     Address.Zone:=0; Address.Net:=0; Address.Node:=0; Address.Point:=0;
  46.     Path:=''; Name:=''; typ:=#0; Stat:=#0;
  47.     Siz:=0; DoAfter:=''; Marked:=False;
  48.   END;
  50.   PROCEDURE OutboundManager;
  51.   CONST
  52.     Attach         : String[6] = 'HDFCI ';
  53.     Mail           : String[6] = 'HDOCI ';
  54.   VAR
  55.     NodeStr         : S13;
  56.     Outbound        : DoubleList;
  57.     FirstLine, OutboundPtr    : OutboundPtrType;
  58.     l, Linie           : Byte;
  59.     Temp, Temp3        : windowptr;
  60.     MarkCount          : Word;
  62.     FUNCTION AddressFileName(OPtr: OutboundPtrType): PathStr;
  63.     BEGIN
  64.       AddressFileName:=HoldFileName(OPtr^.Address,False);
  65.     END;
  67.     FUNCTION GlobalCmdMenu(VAR escaped : Boolean) : Byte;
  68.     VAR
  69.       m       : TPoPMenu;
  70.       LastCmd,
  71.       Key     : Word;
  72.     BEGIN
  73.       GetMenu(MnuOMGlobalCmd,3,m);
  74.       m.ProcessMenu(Key, LastCmd);
  75.       Escaped:=(LastCmd=ccQuit);
  76.       GlobalCmdMenu:=key;
  77.     END;
  79.     FUNCTION GetUpdateType(VAR escaped : Boolean) : Char;
  80.     VAR
  81.       m       : TPoPMenu;
  82.       LastCmd,
  83.       Key     : Word;
  84.     BEGIN
  85.       GetMenu(MnuOMGetUpdType,3,m);
  86.       m.ProcessMenu(Key, LastCmd);
  87.       Escaped:=(LastCmd=ccQuit);
  88.       CASE Key OF
  89.         1 : GetUpdateType:='+';
  90.         2 : GetUpdateType:='-';
  91.       END;
  92.     END;
  94.     FUNCTION SelectSendType(VAR escaped : Boolean) : Byte;
  95.     VAR
  96.       m       : TPoPMenu;
  97.       LastCmd,
  98.       key     : Word;
  99.     BEGIN
  100.       GetMenu(MnuOMSelSendAs,3,m);
  101.       m.ProcessMenu(Key, LastCmd);
  102.       Escaped:=(LastCmd=ccQuit);
  103.       SelectSendType:=Byte(key);
  104.     END;
  106.     PROCEDURE InsertEntry;
  107.     VAR
  108.       NewOutbound : OutboundPtrType;
  109.       TmpAdr      : TFidoAddress;
  110.     BEGIN
  111.       NewOutbound:=OutboundPtr;
  112.       IF Outbound.Head = NIL THEN
  113.       BEGIN
  114.         Outbound.Append(OutboundPtr);
  115.       END ELSE
  116.       BEGIN
  117.         TmpAdr:=OutboundPtr^.Address;
  119.         OutboundPtr:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.Head);
  120.         WHILE (OutboundPtr<>Nil) AND (Address2Sort(OutboundPtr^.Address)<Address2Sort(TmpAdr)) DO
  121.         BEGIN
  122.           OutboundPtr:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.Next(OutboundPtr));
  123.         END;
  124.         IF OutboundPtr=NIL THEN
  125.           OutBound.Append(NewOutBound)
  126.         ELSE
  127.           Outbound.PlaceBefore(NewOutbound, OutboundPtr);
  128.       END;
  129.       OutboundPtr:=NewOutbound;
  130.     END;
  132.     PROCEDURE WriteLine(OPtr: OutboundPtrType; Linie: Byte; Current: BOOLEAN);
  133.     VAR
  134.       BeforePtr : OutboundPtrType;
  135.       Attr      : BYTE;
  136.     BEGIN
  137.       IF OPtr=NIL THEN Exit;
  138.       BeforePtr:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.Prev(OPtr));
  139.       Attr:=CorrectAttribute(2,Current,OPtr^.Marked);
  140.       IF (Linie=2) OR (BeforePtr=Nil) OR Not CmpAdr(OPtr^.Address,BeforePtr^.Address) THEN
  141.       BEGIN
  142.         NodeStr:=Address2Str(OPtr^.Address) ;
  143.         Temp^.wFastWrite(' '+CPad(NodeStr,13), Linie, 1, Attr);
  144.       END ELSE
  145.          Temp^.wFastWrite('      -       ', Linie, 1, Attr);
  146.       CASE OPtr^.typ OF
  147.         'O' : Temp^.wFastWrite('OLDREQ  ', Linie, 15, Attr);
  148.         'U' : Temp^.wFastWrite('UPDREQ  ', Linie, 15, Attr);
  149.         'R' : Temp^.wFastWrite('F. REQ  ', Linie, 15, Attr);
  150.         'B' : Temp^.wFastWrite('BUNDLE  ', Linie, 15, Attr);
  151.         'M' : Temp^.wFastWrite('MAIL    ', Linie, 15, Attr);
  152.         'F' : Temp^.wFastWrite('ATTACH  ', Linie, 15, Attr);
  153.         'Z' : Temp^.wFastWrite('UNDIAL  ', Linie, 15, Attr);
  154.         'P' : Temp^.wFastWrite('POLL    ', Linie, 15, Attr);
  155.         'W' : Temp^.wFastWrite('B.WAZO  ', Linie, 15, Attr);
  156.       END;
  157.       CASE OPtr^.stat OF
  158.         'O',
  159.         'F' : Temp^.wFastWrite('NORMAL  ', Linie, 23, Attr);
  160.         'C' : Temp^.wFastWrite('CRASH   ', Linie, 23, Attr);
  161.         'H' : Temp^.wFastWrite('HOLD    ', Linie, 23, Attr);
  162.         'D' : Temp^.wFastWrite('DIRECT  ', Linie, 23, Attr);
  163.         'I' : Temp^.wFastWrite('IMPORT. ', Linie, 23, Attr);
  164.         ELSE  Temp^.wFastWrite('        ', Linie, 23, Attr);
  165.       END;
  166.       IF (OPtr^.typ = 'M') AND (OPtr^.siz = 0) THEN
  167.         Temp^.wFastWrite('Missing  ', Linie, 31, Attr)
  168.       ELSE
  169.         IF NOT(OPtr^.typ IN ['R', 'U', 'O', 'Z']) THEN
  170.         BEGIN
  171.           Temp^.wFastWrite(LongIntForm('#######',OPtr^.siz)+'  ', Linie, 31, Attr);
  172.         END ELSE
  173.           Temp^.wFastWrite('         ', Linie, 31, Attr);
  174.       Temp^.wFastWrite(CPad(OPtr^.path+OPtr^.Name,39), Linie, 40, Attr);
  175.       Temp^.wFastWrite(OPtr^.DoAfter, Linie,78,Attr);
  176.     END;
  178.     PROCEDURE WriteOutbound;
  179.     VAR
  180.       SaveOutBound   : OutboundPtrType;
  181.       num, a         : Byte;
  182.     BEGIN
  183.       SaveOutBound:=FirstLine;
  184.       Num:=2;
  185.       WHILE (FirstLine<>NIL) AND (Num<ScreenHeight-4) DO
  186.       BEGIN
  187.         IF FirstLine=OutboundPtr THEN
  188.         BEGIN
  189.           WriteLine(FirstLine, num,FALSE);
  190.           Linie:=Num;
  191.         END ELSE
  192.           WriteLine(FirstLine, num,FALSE);
  193.         FirstLine:=OutboundPtrType(outbound.next(FirstLine));
  194.         Inc(Num);
  195.       END;
  196.       FOR a:=Num TO ScreenHeight-5 DO
  197.       BEGIN
  198.         GOTOXY(1, a); CLREOL;
  199.       END;
  200.       FirstLine:=SaveOutBound;
  201.     END;
  203.     PROCEDURE BrowseList;
  204.     VAR
  205.       TmpPtr          : OutboundPtrType;
  206.       InKey           : Word;
  208.       PROCEDURE UnmarkAll;
  209.       VAR
  210.         TmpPtr          : OutboundPtrType;
  211.       BEGIN
  212.         IF MarkCount>0 THEN
  213.         BEGIN
  214.           TmpPtr:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.Head);
  215.           WHILE TmpPtr<>Nil DO
  216.           BEGIN
  217.             TmpPtr^.Marked:=False;
  218.             TmpPtr:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.Next(TmpPtr));
  219.           END;
  220.           MarkCount:=0;
  221.         END;
  222.         WriteOutbound;
  223.       END;
  225.       PROCEDURE AdjustFirstLine;
  226.       BEGIN
  227.         FirstLine:=OutboundPtr;
  228.         WHILE (Outbound.Prev(FirstLine)<>Nil) And (Linie>2) DO
  229.         BEGIN
  230.           Dec(Linie);
  231.           FirstLine:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.Prev(FirstLine));
  232.         END;
  233.         UnMarkAll;
  234.       END;
  236.       PROCEDURE SendFile;
  237.       VAR
  238.         FNum, i : Byte;
  239.         OutAddress : TFidoAddress;
  240.         p, Mask        : PathStr;
  241.         FilesToSend    : ARRAY[1..20] OF RECORD
  242.                                            FName    : PathStr;
  243.                                            SendType : Byte;
  244.                                          END;
  245.         Escaped        : Boolean;
  246.         Ch             : Char;
  247.         FName          : String[12];
  248.         Ext            : String[4];
  249.         Srec           : SEARCHREC;
  250.       BEGIN
  251.         Ch:=Attach[SelectMailType(escaped,1550)];
  252.         IF escaped THEN Exit;
  253.         OutAddress.Zone:=cfg.Addresses[Cfg.MainAdrNum].Zone;
  254.         OutAddress.Net:=cfg.Addresses[Cfg.MainAdrNum].Net;
  255.         OutAddress.Node:=0;
  256.         OutAddress.Point:=0;
  257.         IF Not GetConfirmAddress(4,3,OutAddress,1503) THEN Exit;
  258.         FillChar(FilesToSend, SizeOf(FilesToSend), 0);
  259.         FNum:=1;
  260.         Mask:='*.*';
  261.         REPEAT
  262.           FilesToSend[FNum].SendType:=SelectSendType(escaped);
  263.           IF escaped And (FNum=1) THEN Exit;
  264.           IF Not Escaped THEN
  265.           BEGIN
  266.             IF SelectFile(Mask) THEN FilesToSend[FNum].FName:=Mask;
  267.             IF FilesToSend[FNum].FName = '' THEN
  268.             BEGIN
  269.               IF FNum=1 THEN Exit;
  270.             END;
  271.             Mask:=AddBackSlash(JustPathName(Mask))+'*.*' ;
  272.           END;
  273.           Inc(FNum);
  274.         UNTIL (FNum=21) OR (FilesToSend[FNum-1].FName='');
  275.         WHILE FilesToSend[FNum].FName='' DO Dec(FNum);
  276.         FOR i:=1 TO FNum DO
  277.           SendAFile(FilesToSend[i].FName, OutAddress, Ch, FilesToSend[i].SendType);
  278.         FOR i:=1 TO FNum DO
  279.         BEGIN
  280.           New(OutboundPtr,Init);
  281.           IF OutboundPtr<>NIL THEN
  282.           BEGIN
  283.             WITH OutboundPtr^ DO
  284.             BEGIN
  285.               FSplit(FilesToSend[i].FName, p, FName, ext);
  286.               Name:=FName+ext;
  287.               Address:=OutAddress;
  288.               Stat:=Ch;
  289.               DoAfter:=STypeArray[FilesToSend[i].SendType];
  290.               FINDFIRST(FilesToSend[i].FName, AnyFile, Srec);
  291.               IF DOSERROR = 0 THEN
  292.                 siz:=Srec.size
  293.               ELSE
  294.                 siz:=0;
  295.               path:=p;
  296.               typ:='F';
  297.               FindClose(Srec);
  298.             END;
  299.             InsertEntry;
  300.           END ELSE
  301.             AddLog('!', 'OutMan: Out of memory');
  302.         END;
  303.         AdjustFirstLine;
  304.       END;
  306.       PROCEDURE RequestFile;
  307.       VAR
  308.         ReqAddress : TFidoAddress;
  309.         ReqFiles       : ARRAY[1..20] OF RECORD
  310.                                            FName   : String[15];
  311.                                            Password: String[20];
  312.                                          END;
  313.         escaped        : Boolean;
  314.         i,FNum : Byte;
  315.         Ch : Char;
  316.       BEGIN
  317.         FillChar(ReqAddress, SizeOf(ReqAddress), 0);
  318.         ReqAddress.Zone:=Cfg.Addresses[Cfg.MainAdrNum].Zone;
  319.         ReqAddress.Net:=Cfg.Addresses[Cfg.MainAdrNum].Net;
  320.         IF Not GetConfirmAddress(4,3,ReqAddress,1504) THEN Exit;
  321.         Ch:=Attach[SelectMailType(escaped,1551)];
  322.         IF escaped THEN Exit;
  323.         FillChar(ReqFiles, SizeOf(ReqFiles), 0);
  324.         FNum:=1;
  325.         REPEAT
  326.           IF (NOT InputString(10,5,15,15,3,'Request file','',ReqFiles[FNum].FName)) OR (ReqFiles[FNum].FName = '') THEN
  327.             IF FNum=1 THEN Exit ELSE Break;
  328.           ReqFiles[FNum].FName:= StUpCase(ReqFiles[FNum].FName);
  329.           IF (NOT InputString(24,5,20,20,3,'Passwd','',ReqFiles[FNum].PassWord)) THEN
  330.             IF FNum=1 THEN Exit ELSE Break;
  331.           INC(FNum);
  332.         UNTIL FNum=21;
  333.         Dec(FNum);
  334.         FOR i:=1 TO FNum DO
  335.           IF NOT RequestAFile(ReqFiles[i].FName, ReqAddress, ReqFiles[i].Password) THEN
  336.             ReqFiles[i].FName:='';
  338.         FOR i:=1 TO FNum DO
  339.         BEGIN
  340.           IF ReqFiles[i].FName<>'' THEN
  341.           BEGIN
  342.             New(outboundPtr, Init);
  343.             IF OutboundPtr<>NIL THEN
  344.             BEGIN
  345.               WITH OutboundPtr^ DO
  346.               BEGIN
  347.                 Name:=ReqFiles[i].FName;
  348.                 Address:=ReqAddress;
  349.                 typ:='R';
  350.                 siz:=0;
  351.               END;
  352.               InsertEntry;
  353.             END ELSE
  354.               AddLog('!', 'OutMan: Out of memory');
  355.           END;
  356.         END;
  357.         IF MakeAPoll(ReqAddress,Ch) THEN
  358.         BEGIN
  359.           New(OutboundPtr,Init);
  360.           IF OutboundPtr<>NIL THEN
  361.           BEGIN
  362.             WITH OutboundPtr^ DO
  363.             BEGIN
  364.               Address:=ReqAddress;
  365.               Typ:='P';
  366.               Stat:=Ch;
  367.               Siz:=0;
  368.             END;
  369.             InsertEntry;
  370.           END ELSE
  371.             AddLog('!', 'OutMan: Out of memory');
  372.         END;
  373.         AdjustFirstLine;
  374.       END;
  376.       PROCEDURE DeleteEntry;
  377.       VAR
  378.         BadWaZOORec    : TBadWaZOO;
  379.         BadWaZOOFile   : PSimpDB;
  380.         CPtr, TmpPtr   : OutboundPtrType;
  381.         Srec           : SEARCHREC;
  382.         Ch             : Char;
  383.         TempFile       : File;
  384.         TempFile2      : PBufTextFile;
  385.         Count          : Byte;
  386.         InStr          : String;
  387.         DoIt, All,
  388.         Found, Del     : Boolean;
  389.         FName          : PathStr;
  390.       BEGIN
  391.         IF (MarkCount=0) And (Outbound.Size>0) THEN
  392.         BEGIN
  393.           OutboundPtr^.Marked:=True;
  394.           Inc(MarkCount);
  395.         END;
  396.         CPtr:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.Head);
  397.         All:=False;
  398.         WHILE CPtr<>Nil DO
  399.         BEGIN
  400.           IF CPtr^.Marked THEN
  401.           BEGIN
  402.             DoIt:=True;
  403.             IF NOT All THEN
  404.             BEGIN
  405.               CASE ConfirmAll(' Delete mail for '+Address2Str(CPtr^.Address)+' ?', 10) OF
  406.                 'Y' : DoIt:=True;
  407.                 'N' : DoIt:=False;
  408.                 'A' : All:=True;
  409.               END;
  410.             END;
  411.             IF DoIt THEN
  412.             BEGIN
  413.               CASE CPtr^.Typ OF
  414.                 'B' : DeleteFile(HoldAreaPath(CPtr^.Address,False)+CPtr^.Name);
  415.                 'Z' : WITH CPtr^ DO
  416.                         RemoveUnDialable(Address);
  417.                 'W' : BEGIN
  418.                         New(BadWaZOOFile, Open(StartPath+PoPBadWaZooFileName, SizeOf(TBadWaZOO), False));
  419.                         IF BadWaZooFile<>Nil THEN
  420.                         BEGIN
  421.                           Found:=False;
  422.                           WHILE NOT Found AND BadWaZooFile^.NextRec(BadWaZOORec, Keep) DO
  423.                           BEGIN
  424.                             IF CmpAdr(BadWaZooRec.Address,CPtr^.Address) AND
  425.                                (CPtr^.Name=BadWaZOORec.NewName) THEN
  426.                               Found := True
  427.                             ELSE
  428.                               BadWaZooFile^.Unlock(BadWaZOOFile^.FilePos-1);
  429.                           END;
  430.                           IF Found THEN
  431.                           BEGIN
  432.                             DeleteFile(Cfg.Inbound[BadWaZooRec.NodeStat]+BadWaZooRec.NewName);
  433.                             BadWaZooFile^.DelRec(BadWaZooRec, BadWaZooFile^.FilePos-1);
  434.                           END;
  435.                           Dispose(BadWaZOOFile, Close);
  436.                         END;
  437.                       END;
  438.                 ELSE BEGIN
  439.                        FileMode:=ShareRW+ShareDenyW;
  440.                        IF (CPtr^.typ IN ['R', 'U', 'O']) THEN
  441.                          Assign(TempFile, AddressFileName(CPtr)+'REQ')
  442.                        ELSE
  443.                          Assign(TempFile, AddressFileName(CPtr)+CPtr^.Stat+'LO');
  444.                        Reset(TempFile, 1);
  445.                        New(TempFile2, Init(AddressFileName(CPtr)+'TMP',SCreate,2048));
  446.                        Found:=False;
  447.                        Count:=0;
  448.                        WHILE NOT EoF(TempFile) DO
  449.                        BEGIN
  450.                          ReadLine(TempFile, InStr);
  451.                          IF Copy(InStr,1,1)<>'~' THEN
  452.                          BEGIN
  453.                            IF (InStr[1] = '#') OR (InStr[1] = '^') THEN
  454.                            BEGIN
  455.                              Del:=True;
  456.                              Ch:=InStr[1];
  457.                              Delete(InStr, 1, 1);
  458.                            END ELSE
  459.                              Del:=False;
  460.                            IF Pos(' ', InStr)>0 THEN FName:=Copy(InStr, 1, pos(' ', InStr)-1) ELSE FName:=InStr;
  461.                            IF ((StUpCase(FName)<>StUpCase(CPtr^.path+CPtr^.Name)) AND
  462.                                (StUpCase(FName)<>StUpCase(HoldAreaPath(CPtr^.Address,False)+CPtr^.Name)))
  463.                                OR (Found) THEN
  464.                            BEGIN
  465.                              IF Del THEN TempFile2^.WriteLn(Ch+InStr) ELSE TempFile2^.WriteLn(InStr);
  466.                              Inc(Count);
  467.                            END ELSE
  468.                            BEGIN
  469.                              IF NOT Found THEN
  470.                              BEGIN
  471.                                Found:=True;
  472.                                IF Del And (CPtr^.Siz>0) THEN
  473.                                BEGIN
  474.                                  DoIt:=True;
  475.                                  IF NOT All THEN
  476.                                  BEGIN
  477.                                    CASE ConfirmAll(' Delete '+CPtr^.Name+' too?', 10) OF
  478.                                      'Y' : DoIt:=True;
  479.                                      'N' : DoIt:=False;
  480.                                      'A' : All:=True;
  481.                                    END;
  482.                                  END;
  483.                                  IF DoIt THEN DeleteFile(InStr);
  484.                                END;
  485.                              END;
  486.                            END;
  487.                          END;
  488.                        END;
  489.                        Close(TempFile); Dispose(TempFile2, Done);
  490.                        IF CPtr^.typ IN ['R', 'U', 'O'] THEN
  491.                        BEGIN
  492.                          DeleteFile(AddressFileName(CPtr)+'REQ');
  493.                        END ELSE
  494.                          DeleteFile(AddressFileName(CPtr)+CPtr^.stat+'LO');
  495.                        IF Count=0 THEN
  496.                        BEGIN
  497.                          DeleteFile(AddressFileName(CPtr)+'TMP');
  498.                          FINDFIRST(AddressFileName(CPtr)+CPtr^.stat+'LO', AnyFile, Srec);
  499.                          IF DOSERROR = 0 THEN
  500.                            IF Srec.size = 0 THEN
  501.                            BEGIN
  502.                              DeleteFile(AddressFileName(CPtr)+CPtr^.stat+'LO');
  503.                            END;
  504.                          FindClose(SRec);
  505.                        END ELSE
  506.                        BEGIN
  507.                          IF (CPtr^.typ IN ['R', 'U', 'O']) THEN
  508.                            RenameFile(AddressFileName(CPtr)+'TMP', AddressFileName(CPtr)+'REQ')
  509.                          ELSE
  510.                            RenameFile(AddressFileName(CPtr)+'TMP', AddressFileName(CPtr)+CPtr^.stat+'LO');
  511.                        END;
  512.                      END; {case else}
  513.               END;
  514.               TmpPtr:=CPtr;
  515.               IF Outbound.Next(CPtr)=Nil THEN
  516.                 CPtr:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.Prev(CPtr))
  517.               ELSE
  518.                 CPtr:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.Next(CPtr));
  519.               IF FirstLine=TmpPtr THEN FirstLine:=CPtr;
  520.               IF TmpPtr=OutboundPtr THEN OutboundPtr:=CPtr;
  521.               Outbound.Delete(TmpPtr);
  522.             END ELSE
  523.               CPtr:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.Next(CPtr));
  524.           END ELSE
  525.             CPtr:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.Next(CPtr));
  526.         END;
  527.         UnmarkAll;
  528.       END;
  530.       PROCEDURE MergeBundles(CONST OldName, NewName: PathStr);
  531.       VAR
  532.         Old,New : TNetFile;
  533.         Buffer  : Pointer;
  534.         BufSize, Got : Word;
  535.         Cptr    : OutboundPtrType;
  536.       BEGIN
  537.         Old.Open(OldName, 1, False);
  538.         New.Open(NewName, 1, False);
  540.         New.Seek(New.FileSize-2);
  541.         Old.Seek(SizeOf(TPktHeader));
  542.         IF MaxAvail>65000 THEN BufSize:=65000 ELSE BufSize:=MaxAvail;
  543.         GetMem(Buffer,BufSize);
  544.         REPEAT
  545.           Old.BlockReadNum(Buffer^,BufSize,Got);
  546.           New.BlockWrite(Buffer^,Got);
  547.         UNTIL Got=0;
  548.         CPtr:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.Head);
  549.         WHILE (CPtr<>NIL) AND (Cptr^.Typ<>'B') AND (AddressFileName(CPtr)+CPtr^.stat+'UT'<>NewName) DO
  550.           Cptr:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.Next(Cptr));
  551.         IF Cptr<>NIL THEN Cptr^.Siz:=New.FILESIZE;
  552.         Old.Close; New.Close;
  553.         DeleteFile(OldName);
  554.         FreeMem(Buffer,BufSize);
  555.       END;
  557.       PROCEDURE ReAddress;
  558.       VAR
  559.         OldName,
  560.         NewName  : PathStr;
  561.         Count : Byte;
  562.         CPtr       : OutboundPtrType;
  563.         NewAddress : TFidoAddress;
  564.         All, DoIt,
  565.         RemoveIt, Del : Boolean;
  566.         OldFile,
  567.         NewFile, Tmp : PBufTextFile;
  568.         InSTr : String;
  569.         Ch    : Char;
  570.       BEGIN
  571.         IF ((MarkCount=0) AND (OutboundPtr^.Typ IN ['Z','W'])) OR (Outbound.Size<1) THEN Exit;
  572.         NewAddress:=OutboundPtr^.Address;
  573.         IF NOT GetConfirmAddress(4,3,NewAddress,1505) OR CmpAdr(NewAddress,OutboundPtr^.Address) THEN Exit;
  574.         IF MarkCount=0 THEN
  575.         BEGIN
  576.           OutboundPtr^.Marked:=True;
  577.           Inc(MarkCount);
  578.         END;
  579.         CPtr:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.Head);
  580.         All:=False;
  581.         WHILE CPtr<>Nil DO
  582.         BEGIN
  583.           RemoveIt:=False;
  584.           IF CPtr^.Marked THEN
  585.           BEGIN
  586.             CASE CPtr^.typ OF
  587.               'P' : BEGIN
  588.                       IF NOT ExistFile(HoldFileName(NewAddress,True)+CPtr^.Stat+'LO') THEN
  589.                       BEGIN
  590.                         RenameFile(AddressFileName(CPtr)+CPtr^.stat+'LO',
  591.                                    HoldFileName(NewAddress,True)+CPtr^.stat+'LO');
  592.                       END ELSE
  593.                         DeleteFile(AddressFileName(CPtr)+CPtr^.stat+'LO');
  594.                     END;
  595.               'B' : BEGIN
  596.                       IF NOT ExistFile(HoldFileName(NewAddress,True)+CPtr^.stat+'UT') THEN
  597.                       BEGIN
  598.                         RenameFile(AddressFileName(CPtr)+CPtr^.stat+'UT',
  599.                                       HoldFileName(NewAddress,True)+CPtr^.stat+'UT');
  600.                       END ELSE
  601.                       BEGIN
  602.                         DoIt:=True;
  603.                         IF NOT All THEN
  604.                         BEGIN
  605.                           CASE ConfirmAll('Merge bundles', 11) OF
  606.                             'Y' : DoIt:=True;
  607.                             'N' : DoIt:=False;
  608.                             'A' : All:=True;
  609.                           END;
  610.                         END;
  611.                         IF DoIt THEN
  612.                         BEGIN
  613.                           MergeBundles(AddressFileName(CPtr)+CPtr^.stat+'UT',
  614.                                        HoldFileName(NewAddress,True)+CPtr^.stat+'UT');
  615.                         END;
  616.                         RemoveIt:=True;
  617.                       END;
  618. {                     CPtr^.Name:=JustFileName(HoldFileName(NewAddress,True)+CPtr^.stat+'UT');}
  619.                     END;
  620.               'R',
  621.               'U',
  622.               'O',
  623.               'M',
  624.               'F' : BEGIN
  625.                       IF CPtr^.Typ IN ['R','U','O'] THEN
  626.                       BEGIN
  627.                         OldName:=AddressFileName(CPtr)+'REQ';
  628.                         NewName:=HoldFileName(NewAddress,True)+'REQ';
  629.                       END ELSE
  630.                       BEGIN
  631.                         OldName:=AddressFileName(CPtr)+CPtr^.Stat+'LO';
  632.                         NewName:=HoldFileName(NewAddress,True)+CPtr^.Stat+'LO';
  633.                       END;
  634.                       New(Tmp, Init(AddressFilename(CPtr)+'TMP', SCreate, 2048));
  635.                       New(OldFile, Init(OldName, SOpenRead+ShareDenyW, 2048));
  636.                       IF OldFile<>NIL THEN
  637.                       BEGIN
  638.                         New(NewFile, InitCreate(NewName, SOpenWrite, 2048));
  639.                         Count:=0;
  640.                         WHILE NOT OldFile^.EOF DO
  641.                         BEGIN
  642.                           OldFile^.ReadLn(InStr);
  643.                           IF (InStr[1] = '#') OR (InStr[1] = '^') THEN
  644.                           BEGIN
  645.                             Del:=True;
  646.                             Ch:=InStr[1];
  647.                             Delete(InStr, 1, 1);
  648.                           END ELSE
  649.                             Del:=False;
  650.                           IF (StUpCase(InStr) <> StUpCase(CPtr^.path+CPtr^.Name)) AND
  651.                              (StUpCase(InStr) <> StUpCase(HoldAreaPath(CPtr^.Address,False)+CPtr^.Name)) THEN
  652.                           BEGIN
  653.                             IF Del THEN Tmp^.WriteLn(Ch+InStr) ELSE Tmp^.WriteLn(InStr);
  654.                             Inc(Count);
  655.                           END ELSE
  656.                           BEGIN
  657.                             IF Del THEN NewFile^.WriteLn(Ch+InStr) ELSE NewFile^.WriteLn(InStr);
  658.                           END;
  659.                         END;
  660.                         Dispose(OldFile, Done); Dispose(NewFile, Done);
  661.                         DeleteFile(OldName);
  662.                       END ELSE
  663.                         Count:=0;
  664.                       Dispose(Tmp, Done);
  665.                       IF Count = 0 THEN
  666.                       BEGIN
  667.                         DeleteFile(AddressFilename(CPtr)+'TMP');
  668.                       END ELSE
  669.                       BEGIN
  670.                         IF CPtr^.Typ IN ['R','U','O'] THEN
  671.                           RenameFile(AddressFileName(CPtr)+'TMP', AddressFileName(CPtr)+'REQ')
  672.                         ELSE
  673.                           RenameFile(AddressFileName(CPtr)+'TMP', AddressFileName(CPtr)+CPtr^.stat+'LO');
  674.                       END;
  675.                     END;
  676.             END;
  677.             OutboundPtr:=CPtr;
  678.             Outbound.Remove(CPtr);
  679.             IF RemoveIt THEN
  680.               Dispose(OutboundPtr)
  681.             ELSE
  682.             BEGIN
  683.               WITH OutboundPtr^ DO
  684.               BEGIN
  685.                 Address:=NewAddress;
  686.               END;
  687.               InsertEntry;
  688.               CPtr:=OutboundPtr;
  689.               CPtr^.Marked:=False;
  690.             END;
  691.             CPtr:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.Head);
  692.           END ELSE
  693.             CPtr:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.Next(CPtr));
  694.         END;
  695.         UnMarkAll;
  696.         FirstLine:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.Head);
  697.         OutboundPtr:=FirstLine;
  698.         WriteOutbound;
  699.       END;
  701.       PROCEDURE ChangeStat;
  702.       LABEL
  703.         NextOne;
  704.       VAR
  705.         TempFile       : File;
  706.         TempFile2,
  707.         TempFile3      : PBufTextFile;
  708.         InStr          : String;
  709.         Ch             : Char;
  710.         NewName        : S12;
  711.         Count, StatNum : Byte;
  712.         All, DoIt,
  713.         MustRepaint,
  714.         Del, Escaped   : Boolean;
  715.         CPtr           : OutboundPtrType;
  716.       BEGIN
  717.         IF ((MarkCount=0) And (OutboundPtr^.Typ IN ['W','R','U','O','Z'])) Or
  718.            (Outbound.Size<1) THEN Exit;
  719.         StatNum:=SelectMailType(escaped,1552);
  720.         IF Escaped THEN Exit;
  721.         IF (MarkCount=0) And (Outbound.Size>0) THEN
  722.         BEGIN
  723.           OutboundPtr^.Marked:=True;
  724.           Inc(MarkCount);
  725.         END;
  726.         CPtr:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.Head);
  727.         MustRepaint:=False;
  728.         All:=False;
  729.         WHILE CPtr<>Nil DO
  730.         BEGIN
  731.           IF CPtr^.Marked And NOT (CPtr^.Typ IN ['W','R','U','O','Z']) THEN
  732.           BEGIN
  733.             IF CPtr^.Typ='B' THEN
  734.             BEGIN
  735.               IF Mail[StatNum] = CPtr^.Stat THEN Goto NextOne;
  736.               NewName:=Copy(CPtr^.Name, 1, 9)+Mail[StatNum]+'UT';
  737.               IF ExistFile(HoldAreaPath(CPtr^.Address,False)+NewName) THEN
  738.               BEGIN
  739.                 DoIt:=True;
  740.                 IF NOT All THEN
  741.                 BEGIN
  742.                   CASE ConfirmAll('Merge bundles', 11) OF
  743.                     'Y' : DoIt:=True;
  744.                     'N' : DoIt:=False;
  745.                     'A' : All:=True;
  746.                   END;
  747.                 END;
  748.                 IF DoIt THEN
  749.                 BEGIN
  750.                   MergeBundles(HoldAreaPath(CPtr^.Address,False)+CPtr^.Name,
  751.                                HoldAreaPath(CPtr^.Address,False)+NewName);
  752.                   Outbound.Remove(CPtr);
  753.                   Dispose(CPtr);
  754.                   CPtr:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.Head);
  755.                   OutboundPtr:=CPtr;
  756.                   FirstLine:=CPtr;
  757.                   MustRepaint:=True;
  758.                   Continue;
  759.                 END;
  760.               END ELSE
  761.               BEGIN
  762.                 RenameFile(HoldAreaPath(CPtr^.Address,False)+CPtr^.Name,
  763.                            HoldAreaPath(CPtr^.Address,False)+NewName);
  764.                 CPtr^.Name:=NewName;
  765.                 CPtr^.Stat:=Mail[StatNum];
  766.               END ;
  767.             END ELSE
  768.             BEGIN
  769.               IF Attach[StatNum] = CPtr^.stat THEN GOTO NextOne;
  770.               Assign(TempFile, AddressFileName(CPtr)+CPtr^.stat+'LO');
  771.               FileMode:=ShareRW+ShareDenyW; Reset(TempFile,1);
  772.               IF IOResult=0 THEN
  773.               BEGIN
  774.                 New(TempFile2, Init(AddressFileName(CPtr)+'TMP', SCreate, 1024));
  775.                 New(TempFile3, InitCreate(AddressFileName(CPtr)+Attach[StatNum]+'LO', SOpenWrite+ShareDenyW, 1024));
  776.                 Count:=0;
  777.                 WHILE NOT EoF(TempFile) DO
  778.                 BEGIN
  779.                   ReadLine(TempFile, InStr);
  780.                   IF (InStr[1] = '#') OR (InStr[1] = '^') THEN
  781.                   BEGIN
  782.                     Del:=True;
  783.                     Ch:=InStr[1];
  784.                     Delete(InStr, 1, 1);
  785.                   END ELSE
  786.                     Del:=False;
  787.                   IF (StUpCase(InStr) <> StUpCase(CPtr^.path+CPtr^.Name)) AND
  788.                      (StUpCase(InStr)<>StUpCase(HoldAreaPath(CPtr^.Address,False)+CPtr^.Name)) THEN
  789.                   BEGIN
  790.                     IF Del THEN TempFile2^.WriteLn(Ch+InStr) ELSE TempFile2^.WriteLn(InStr);
  791.                     Inc(Count);
  792.                   END ELSE
  793.                   BEGIN
  794.                     IF Del THEN TempFile3^.WriteLn(Ch+InStr) ELSE TempFile3^.WriteLn(InStr);
  795.                   END;
  796.                 END;
  797.                 Close(TempFile);
  798.                 Dispose(TempFile2, Done); Dispose(TempFile3, Done);
  799.                 DeleteFile(AddressFileName(CPtr)+CPtr^.stat+'LO');
  800.                 IF Count = 0 THEN
  801.                 BEGIN
  802.                   DeleteFile(AddressFileName(CPtr)+'TMP');
  803.                 END ELSE
  804.                 BEGIN
  805.                   RenameFile(AddressFileName(CPtr)+'TMP', AddressFileName(CPtr)+CPtr^.stat+'LO');
  806.                 END;
  807.               END;
  808.               CPtr^.Stat:=Attach[StatNum];
  809.             END;
  810.           END;
  811. NextOne:
  812.           CPtr^.Marked:=False;
  813.           CPtr:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.Next(CPtr));
  814.         END;
  815.         UnmarkAll;
  816.         IF MustRepaint THEN WriteOutbound;
  817.       END;
  819.       PROCEDURE Poll;
  820.       VAR
  821.         PollAddress : TFidoAddress;
  822.         escaped        : Boolean;
  823.         Ch             : Char;
  824.       BEGIN
  825.         PollAddress.Zone:=Cfg.Addresses[Cfg.MainAdrNum].Zone;
  826.         PollAddress.Net:=Cfg.Addresses[Cfg.MainAdrNum].Net;
  827.         PollAddress.Node:=0;
  828.         PollAddress.Point:=0;
  829.         IF Not GetConfirmAddress(4,3,PollAddress,1506) THEN Exit;
  830.         Ch:=Attach[SelectMailType(escaped,1553)];
  831.         IF escaped THEN Exit;
  832.         IF MakeAPoll(PollAddress, Ch) THEN
  833.         BEGIN
  834.           New(OutboundPtr, Init);
  835.           IF OutboundPtr<>NIL THEN
  836.           BEGIN
  837.             WITH OutboundPtr^ DO
  838.             BEGIN
  839.               Name:='';
  840.               Address:=PollAddress;
  841.               Typ:='P';
  842.               Stat:=Ch;
  843.               Siz:=0;
  844.             END;
  845.             InsertEntry;
  846.           END ELSE
  847.             AddLog('!', 'OutMan: Out of memory');
  848.           AdjustFirstLine;
  849.         END;
  850.       END;
  852.       PROCEDURE BundleView(CONST FName: PathStr);
  853.       VAR
  854.         BundleWin: WindowPtr;
  855.         BundleFile : File;
  856.         BPos, BytesRead: Word;
  857.         Buffer     : Pointer;
  859.         PROCEDURE WriteBundleHeader;
  860.         VAR
  861.           BundleHeadRec : TPktHeader;
  862.         BEGIN
  863.           Move(Buffer^, BundleHeadRec, SizeOf(BundleHeadRec));
  864.           WITH BundleHeadRec DO
  865.           BEGIN
  866.             GotoXY(1,1); WriteLn(' PacketType: ',Filler1,'  Packer: ',ProductNames(Product),'  SerialNo: ',SerialNo,
  867.                                  '  Password: ',AsciiZ2Str(Password,8));
  868.             GotoXY(1,2); WriteLn(' To: ',DestZone,':',DestNet,'/',DestNode,'  From: ',OrigZone,':',OrigNet,'/',OrigNode,
  869.                                  '  Date: ',Day,'/',Month,'-',Year,'  ',Hour,':',Min,':',Sec);
  870.           END;
  871.         END;
  873.       BEGIN
  874.         IF Not ExistFile(FName) THEN Exit;
  875.         MyWin(BundleWin, 1, 2, 80, ScreenHeight, 3, 'Bundle Viewer',False);
  876.         Assign(BundleFile, FName); FileMode:=ShareRead+ShareDenyNone;
  877.         Reset(BundleFile, 1);
  878.         GetMem(Buffer, 8192);
  879.         BlockRead(BundleFile,Buffer^, 8192, BytesRead);
  880.         Close(BundleFile);
  881.         WriteBundleHeader;
  882.         BPos:=58;
  884.         PopReadKeyWord;
  885.         FreeMem(Buffer, 8192);
  886.         KillWindow(BundleWin);
  887.       END;
  889.       PROCEDURE ViewFile;
  890.       VAR
  891.         AT    : ShortInt;
  892.         FName : PathStr;
  893.       BEGIN
  894.         CASE OutboundPtr^.Typ OF
  895.           'O',
  896.           'U',
  897.           'R',
  898.           'Z',
  899.           'W',
  900.           'P' : AskError(12, 'Can''t display this type of file', 3);
  901.           'B' : BundleView(HoldAreaPath(OutboundPtr^.Address,False)+OutboundPtr^.Name);
  902.           'M',
  903.           'F' : BEGIN
  904.                   IF OutboundPtr^.Typ='M' THEN
  905.                     FName:=HoldAreaPath(OutboundPtr^.Address,False)
  906.                   ELSE
  907.                     FName:=OutboundPtr^.Path;
  908.                   FName:=FName+OutboundPtr^.Name;
  909.                   AT:=ArcType(FName);
  910.                   IF AT<>0 THEN ViewArchive(FName,AT) ELSE AskError(12, 'Unknown archive type', 3);
  911.                 END;
  912.         END;
  913.       END;
  915.       PROCEDURE FileUpdateRequest;
  916.       VAR
  917.         Password       : String[20];
  918.         ReqFile        : PBufTextFile;
  919.         Srec           : SEARCHREC;
  920.         mask, FileName, p : PathStr;
  921.         n, ext         : String[12];
  922.         UpdAddress     : TFidoAddress;
  923.         escaped        : Boolean;
  924.         Dt             : DateTime;
  925.         Ch, UpdType        : Char;
  926.       BEGIN
  927.         UpdType:=GetUpdateType(escaped);
  928.         IF escaped THEN Exit;
  929.         mask:='*.*';
  930.         IF NOT InputString(10,5,40,40,3,'Send file name','',mask) THEN Exit;
  931.         IF SelectFile(Mask) THEN FileName:=Mask ELSE FileName:='';
  932.         IF FileName = '' THEN Exit;
  933.         Ch:=Attach[SelectMailType(escaped,1551)];
  934.         IF escaped THEN Exit;
  935.         Password:='';
  936.         IF (NOT InputString(24,5,6,6,3,'Passwd','',PassWord)) THEN Exit;
  938.         UpdAddress.Zone:=cfg.Addresses[Cfg.MainAdrNum].Zone;
  939.         UpdAddress.Net:=cfg.Addresses[Cfg.MainAdrNum].Net;
  940.         UpdAddress.Node:=0;
  941.         UpdAddress.Point:=0;
  942.         IF Not GetConfirmAddress(4,3,UpdAddress,1504) THEN Exit;
  943.         FINDFIRST(FileName, AnyFile, Srec);
  944.         FindClose(SRec);
  945.         FSplit(FileName, p, n, ext);
  946.         New(ReqFile, InitCreate(HoldFileName(UpdAddress,True)+'REQ', SOpenWrite, 256));
  947.         UnPackTime(Srec.Time, Dt);
  948.         WITH Dt DO
  949.           ReqFile^.WriteNoLn(n+ext+' '+UpdType+Long2Str(GetUnixDate(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Min, Sec)));
  950.         IF Password='' THEN ReqFile^.WriteLn('') ELSE ReqFile^.WriteLn(' !'+Password);
  951.         Dispose(ReqFile, Done);
  953.         MakeAPoll(UpdAddress, Ch);
  954.         New(OutboundPtr, Init);
  955.         IF OutboundPtr<>NIL THEN
  956.         BEGIN
  957.           WITH OutboundPtr^ DO
  958.           BEGIN
  959.             Name:=n+ext;
  960.             Address:=UpdAddress;
  961.             CASE UpdType OF
  962.               '+' : typ:='U';
  963.               '-' : typ:='O';
  964.             END;
  965.             stat:=Ch;
  966.             siz:=0;
  967.           END;
  968.           InsertEntry;
  969.         END ELSE
  970.           AddLog('!', 'OutMan: Out of memory');
  971.         AdjustFirstLine;
  972.       END;
  974.       PROCEDURE GlobalCmd;
  975.       CONST
  976.         DayType : ARRAY[1..7] Of String[2] = ('MO','TU','WE','TH','FR','SA','SU');
  977.       VAR
  978.         i, Choice : Byte;
  979.         Escaped: Boolean;
  980.         Sr1, SRec   : SearchRec;
  981.         BasePath, OutPath : PathStr;
  982.         TmpPtr : OutboundPtrType;
  984.         PROCEDURE CleanTheOutbound(CONST Path: PathStr);
  985.         VAR
  986.           Sr : SearchRec;
  987.           DayCount : Byte;
  988.         BEGIN
  989.           FOR DayCount:=1 TO 7 DO
  990.           BEGIN
  991.             FindFirst(Path+'\????????.'+DayType[DayCount]+'?',AnyFile,Sr);
  992.             WHILE DosError=0 DO
  993.             BEGIN
  994.               IF (Sr.Size=0) THEN DeleteFile(Path+'\'+Sr.Name);
  995.               FindNext(Sr);
  996.             END;
  997.             FindClose(Sr);
  998.           END;
  999.         END;
  1001.       BEGIN
  1002.         {Clean outbound, remove undialables, }
  1003.         Choice:=GlobalCmdMenu(Escaped);
  1004.         IF Escaped THEN Exit;
  1005.         CASE Choice OF
  1006.           1: BEGIN
  1007.                i:=Length(JustFileName(cfg.outbound));
  1008.                BasePath:=Copy(Cfg.Outbound, 1, Length(Cfg.Outbound)-i);
  1009.                FindFirst(cfg.outbound+'.*', Directory, Srec);
  1010.                WHILE DOSError=0 DO
  1011.                BEGIN
  1012.                  OutPath:=BasePath+SRec.Name;
  1013.                  CleanTheOutbound(OutPath);
  1014.                  FindFirst(OutPath+'\????????.PNT', Directory, Sr1);
  1015.                  WHILE DOSError=0 DO
  1016.                  BEGIN
  1017.                    CleanTheOutbound(OutPath+'\'+Sr1.Name);
  1018.                    IF NOT Cfg.KeepEmptyDirs THEN
  1019.                    BEGIN
  1020.                      RmDir(OutPath+'\'+Sr1.Name);
  1021.                      IF IOResult<>0 THEN ;
  1022.                    END;
  1023.                    FindNext(Sr1);
  1024.                  END;
  1025.                  FindClose(Sr1);
  1026.                  IF OutPath<>Cfg.Outbound THEN
  1027.                  BEGIN
  1028.                    RmDir(OutPath);
  1029.                    IF IOResult<>0 THEN ;
  1030.                  END;
  1031.                  FindNext(SRec);
  1032.                END;
  1033.                FindClose(SRec);
  1034.              END;
  1035.           2: IF DeleteFile(StartPath+PoPUndialFileName) THEN
  1036.              BEGIN
  1037.                OutboundPtr:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.Head);
  1038.                WHILE OutboundPtr<>Nil DO
  1039.                BEGIN
  1040.                  TmpPtr:=OutboundPtr;
  1041.                  OutboundPtr:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.Next(OutboundPtr));
  1042.                  IF TmpPtr^.Typ='Z' THEN Outbound.Delete(TmpPtr);
  1043.                END;
  1044.              END;
  1045.         END;
  1046.         UnMarkAll;
  1047.         OutboundPtr:=OutboundPtrType(OutBound.Head);
  1048.         FirstLine:=OutboundPtr;
  1049.         WriteOutbound;
  1050.       END;
  1052.     BEGIN
  1053.       REPEAT
  1054.         Topic:=61;
  1055.         WriteLine(OutboundPtr, Linie,TRUE);
  1056.         InKey:=PopReadKeyWord;
  1057.         WriteLine(OutboundPtr, Linie,FALSE);
  1058.         CASE Char(Lo(Inkey)) OF
  1059.           '+' : IF Outbound.Size>0 THEN
  1060.                 BEGIN
  1061.                   TmpPtr:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.Head);
  1062.                   WHILE TmpPtr<>Nil DO
  1063.                   BEGIN
  1064.                     IF CmpAdr(OutboundPtr^.Address,TmpPtr^.Address) And Not(TmpPtr^.Marked) THEN
  1065.                     BEGIN
  1066.                       TmpPtr^.Marked:=True;
  1067.                       Inc(MarkCount);
  1068.                     END;
  1069.                     TmpPtr:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.Next(TmpPtr));
  1070.                   END;
  1071.                   WriteOutbound;
  1072.                 END;
  1073.           '-' : IF Outbound.Size>0 THEN
  1074.                 BEGIN
  1075.                   TmpPtr:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.Head);
  1076.                   WHILE TmpPtr<>Nil DO
  1077.                   BEGIN
  1078.                     IF CmpAdr(OutboundPtr^.Address,TmpPtr^.Address) And (TmpPtr^.Marked) THEN
  1079.                     BEGIN
  1080.                       TmpPtr^.Marked:=False;
  1081.                       Dec(MarkCount);
  1082.                     END;
  1083.                     TmpPtr:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.Next(TmpPtr));
  1084.                   END;
  1085.                   WriteOutbound;
  1086.                 END;
  1087.           #13 : IF Outbound.Size>0 THEN
  1088.                 BEGIN
  1089.                   OutboundPtr^.Marked:=Not OutboundPtr^.Marked;
  1090.                   Inc(MarkCount);
  1091.                   WriteLine(OutboundPtr, Linie,FALSE);
  1092.                   IF Outbound.Next(OutboundPtr)<>Nil THEN StuffKey($5000);
  1093.                 END;
  1094.           ' ' : UnmarkAll;
  1095.           ELSE CASE InKey OF
  1096.                  Up   : IF (OutboundPtr<>Nil) AND (outbound.Prev(OutboundPtr) <> NIL) THEN
  1097.                         BEGIN
  1098.                           WriteLine(OutboundPtr, Linie, FALSE);
  1099.                           Dec(Linie);
  1100.                           OutboundPtr:=OutboundPtrType(outbound.Prev(OutboundPtr));
  1101.                           IF Linie < 2 THEN
  1102.                           BEGIN
  1103.                             FirstLine:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.Prev(FirstLine));
  1104.                             WriteOutbound;
  1105.                           END ELSE
  1106.                             WriteLine(OutboundPtr,Linie, FALSE);
  1107.                         END;
  1108.                  Down : IF (OutboundPtr <> NIL) AND (outbound.next(OutboundPtr) <> NIL) THEN
  1109.                         BEGIN
  1110.                           WriteLine(OutboundPtr, Linie, FALSE);
  1111.                           Inc(Linie);
  1112.                           OutboundPtr:=OutboundPtrType(outbound.next(OutboundPtr));
  1113.                           IF Linie > ScreenHeight-5 THEN
  1114.                           BEGIN
  1115.                             FirstLine:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.Next(FirstLine));
  1116.                             WriteOutbound;
  1117.                           END ELSE
  1118.                             WriteLine(OutboundPtr,Linie,FALSE);
  1119.                         END;
  1120.                  PgDn : IF Outbound.Size>0 THEN
  1121.                         BEGIN
  1122.                           l:=2;
  1123.                           WHILE (Outboundptr <> NIL) AND (Outbound.Next(OutboundPtr)<>Nil) And (l<ScreenHeight-4) DO
  1124.                           BEGIN
  1125.                             Inc(linie); Inc(l);
  1126.                             OutboundPtr:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.next(OutboundPtr));
  1127.                             IF Linie>ScreenHeight-5 THEN
  1128.                             BEGIN
  1129.                               FirstLine:=OutboundPtr;
  1130.                               Linie:=2;
  1131.                             END;
  1132.                           END;
  1133.                           WriteOutbound;
  1134.                         END;
  1135.                  PgUp : IF Outbound.Size>0 THEN
  1136.                         BEGIN
  1137.                           l:=ScreenHeight-4;
  1138.                           WHILE (outboundptr <> NIL) AND (Outbound.Prev(OutboundPtr)<>Nil) And (l>2) DO
  1139.                           BEGIN
  1140.                             Dec(Linie); Dec(l);
  1141.                             OutboundPtr:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.prev(OutboundPtr));
  1142.                             IF Linie<2 THEN
  1143.                             BEGIN
  1144.                               IF Outbound.Prev(FirstLine)<>Nil THEN FirstLine:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.prev(FirstLine));
  1145.                               Linie:=2;
  1146.                             END;
  1147.                           END;
  1148.                           WriteOutbound;
  1149.                         END;
  1150.                  Home : IF Outbound.Size>0 THEN
  1151.                         BEGIN
  1152.                           OutboundPtr:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.Head);
  1153.                           FirstLine:=OutboundPtr;
  1154.                           WriteOutbound;
  1155.                         END;
  1156.                  EndKey:IF Outbound.Size>0 THEN
  1157.                         BEGIN
  1158.                           OutboundPtr:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.Tail);
  1159.                           FirstLine:=OutboundPtr;
  1160.                           Linie:=ScreenHeight-5;
  1161.                           WHILE (Outbound.Prev(FirstLine)<>Nil) And (Linie>2) DO
  1162.                           BEGIN
  1163.                             Dec(Linie);
  1164.                             FirstLine:=OutboundPtrType(Outbound.Prev(FirstLine));
  1165.                           END;
  1166.                           WriteOutbound;
  1167.                         END;
  1168.                  Del,
  1169.                  F2 :   DeleteEntry;
  1170.                  F3 :   RequestFile;
  1171.                  Ins,
  1172.                  F4 :   SendFile;
  1173.                  F5 :   ReAddress;
  1174.                  F6 :   ChangeStat;
  1175.                  F7 :   ViewFile;
  1176.                  F8 :   Poll;
  1177.                  F9 :   FileUpdateRequest;
  1178.                  F10 :  GlobalCmd;
  1179.                END;
  1180.         END;
  1181.       UNTIL InKey=Esc;
  1182.     END;
  1184.     PROCEDURE RenamePkt(CONST Path: PathStr; CONST FName: S12);
  1185.     VAR
  1186.       PktHead : TPktHeader;
  1187.       f       : TBufTextFile;
  1188.       Orig,
  1189.       Dest    : TFidoAddress;
  1190.     BEGIN
  1191.       IF f.Init(Path+FName, SOpenread+ShareDenyNone, 10240) THEN
  1192.       BEGIN
  1193.         IF f.GetSize>=SizeOf(PktHead) THEN
  1194.         BEGIN
  1195.           f.Read(PktHead,SizeOf(PktHead));
  1196.           f.Done;
  1197.           GetPktHeadInfo(PktHead,Orig,Dest);
  1198.           RenameFile(Path+FName, HoldFileName(Dest,TRUE)+'OUT');
  1199.         END ELSE
  1200.           f.Done;
  1201.       END;
  1202.     END;
  1204.     PROCEDURE ScanOutbound;
  1205.     VAR
  1206.       ss,ZoneOut, OutName : PathStr;
  1207.       Try, Count     : Byte;
  1208.       t              : Char;
  1209.       f              : TBufTextFile;
  1210.       FName, ext, p, InStr : String;
  1211.       i, GlobZone, GlobNet, GlobNode, test : Integer;
  1212.       Srec, Sr1, sr,sr3  : SEARCHREC;
  1213.       UnDialableRec  : TUndialable;
  1214.       UnDialableFile,
  1215.       BadWaZOOFile   : PSimpDB;
  1216.       BadWaZOORec    : TBadWaZOO;
  1217.       GotOne         : Boolean;
  1218.       Wait           : PWait;
  1220.       PROCEDURE SearchDir;
  1221.       VAR
  1222.         a    : Byte;
  1223.       BEGIN
  1224.         FindFirst(ZoneOut+'*.PKT',Archive,Sr) ;
  1225.         IF (DosError=0) And (Confirm('Orphan packets found, rename','Y',13)) THEN
  1226.         BEGIN
  1227.           REPEAT
  1228.             RenamePkt(ZoneOut,Sr.Name);
  1229.             FindNext(Sr);
  1230.             Wait^.Animate;
  1231.           UNTIL DosError<>0;
  1232.         END;
  1233.         FindClose(Sr);
  1235.         FOR a:=1 TO 5 DO
  1236.         BEGIN
  1237.           FindFirst(ZoneOut+'*.'+Mail[a]+'UT', archive, sr);
  1238.           WHILE DOSERROR = 0 DO
  1239.           BEGIN
  1240.             IF Sr.Size<>0 THEN
  1241.             BEGIN
  1242.               New(OutboundPtr, Init);
  1243.               IF OutboundPtr<>NIL THEN
  1244.               BEGIN
  1245.                 WITH OutboundPtr^ DO
  1246.                 BEGIN
  1247.                   Name:=sr.Name;
  1248.                   Address.Zone:=GlobZone;
  1249.                   Address.Zone:=GlobZone;
  1250.                   IF GlobNet=0 THEN
  1251.                   BEGIN
  1252.                     Val('$'+Copy(sr.Name, 1, 4), Address.Net, test);
  1253.                     Val('$'+Copy(sr.Name, 5, 4), Address.Node, test);
  1254.                     Address.Point:=0;
  1255.                   END ELSE
  1256.                   BEGIN
  1257.                     Address.Net:=GlobNet;
  1258.                     Address.Node:=GlobNode;
  1259.                     Val('$'+Copy(sr.Name, 5, 4), Address.Point, test);
  1260.                   END;
  1261.                   stat:=mail[a];
  1262.                   typ:='B';
  1263.                   siz:=sr.size;
  1264.                 END;
  1265.                 InsertEntry;
  1266.               END ELSE
  1267.                 AddLog('!', 'OutMan: Out of memory');
  1268.             END;
  1269.             Wait^.Animate;
  1270.             FindNext(sr);
  1271.           END;
  1272.           FindClose(Sr);
  1273.         END;
  1274.         FindFirst(ZoneOut+'*.REQ', archive, sr);
  1275.         WHILE DOSError = 0 DO
  1276.         BEGIN
  1277.           IF (sr.size>0) AND (f.Init(ZoneOut+sr.Name, SOpenread+ShareDenyNone, 10240)) THEN
  1278.           BEGIN
  1279.             GotOne:=False;
  1280.             WHILE NOT f.EoF DO
  1281.             BEGIN
  1282.               f.ReadLn(InStr);
  1283.               InStr:=StUpCase(InStr);
  1284.               IF (InStr[1] <> ';') AND (Length(InStr) > 0) THEN
  1285.               BEGIN
  1286.                 GotOne:=True;
  1287.                 t:='R';
  1288.                 Try:=Pos(' ',InStr);
  1289.                 IF (Try>0) And (pos('-', InStr)>Try) THEN t:='O';
  1290.                 IF (Try>0) And (pos('+', InStr)>Try) THEN t:='U';
  1291.                 IF Try >0  THEN InStr:=Copy(InStr, 1, Try-1);
  1292.                 New(OutboundPtr,Init);
  1293.                 IF OutboundPtr<>NIL THEN
  1294.                 BEGIN
  1295.                   WITH OutboundPtr^ DO
  1296.                   BEGIN
  1297.                     FSplit(InStr, p, FName, ext);
  1298.                     Name:=FName+ext;
  1299.                     path:=p;
  1300.                     Address.Zone:=GlobZone;
  1301.                     IF GlobNet=0 THEN
  1302.                     BEGIN
  1303.                       Val('$'+Copy(sr.Name, 1, 4), Address.Net, test);
  1304.                       Val('$'+Copy(sr.Name, 5, 4), Address.Node, test);
  1305.                       Address.Point:=0;
  1306.                     END ELSE
  1307.                     BEGIN
  1308.                       Address.Net:=GlobNet;
  1309.                       Address.Node:=GlobNode;
  1310.                       Val('$'+Copy(sr.Name, 5, 4), Address.Point, test);
  1311.                     END;
  1312.                     typ:=t;
  1313.                     siz:=0;
  1314.                   END;
  1315.                   InsertEntry;
  1316.                 END ELSE
  1317.                   AddLog('!', 'OutMan: Out of memory');
  1318.               END;
  1319.               Wait^.Animate;
  1320.             END;
  1321.             f.Done;
  1322.             IF NOT GotOne THEN DeleteFile(ZoneOut+sr.Name);
  1323.           END;
  1324.           FindNext(sr);
  1325.         END;
  1326.         FindClose(sr);
  1327.         FOR a:=1 TO 5 DO
  1328.         BEGIN
  1329.           FINDFIRST(ZoneOut+'*.'+Attach[a]+'LO', archive, sr);
  1330.           WHILE DOSERROR = 0 DO
  1331.           BEGIN
  1332.             Count:=0;
  1333.             IF (sr.size>0) AND (f.Init(ZoneOut+sr.Name, SOpenread+ShareDenyNone, 10240)) THEN
  1334.             BEGIN
  1335.               WHILE NOT F.EoF DO
  1336.               BEGIN
  1337.                 f.ReadLn(InStr);
  1338.                 InStr:=StUpCase(InStr);
  1339.                 IF (Length(InStr)>0) AND (InStr[1]<>';') AND (InStr[1]<>'~') THEN
  1340.                 BEGIN
  1341.                   New(OutboundPtr,Init);
  1342.                   IF OutboundPtr<>NIL THEN
  1343.                   BEGIN
  1344.                     IF (InStr[1] = '#') OR (InStr[1] = '^') THEN
  1345.                     BEGIN
  1346.                       OutboundPtr^.DoAfter:=InStr[1];
  1347.                       InStr:=Copy(InStr, 2, Length(InStr) - 1);
  1348.                     END;
  1349.                     WITH OutboundPtr^ DO
  1350.                     BEGIN
  1351.                       FSplit(InStr, p, FName, ext);
  1352.                       Name:=FName+ext;
  1353.                       Address.Zone:=GlobZone;
  1354.                       IF GlobNet=0 THEN
  1355.                       BEGIN
  1356.                         Val('$'+Copy(sr.Name, 1, 4), Address.Net, test);
  1357.                         Val('$'+Copy(sr.Name, 5, 4), Address.Node, test);
  1358.                         Address.Point:=0;
  1359.                       END ELSE
  1360.                       BEGIN
  1361.                         Address.Net:=GlobNet;
  1362.                         Address.Node:=GlobNode;
  1363.                         Val('$'+Copy(sr.Name, 5, 4), Address.Point, test);
  1364.                       END;
  1365.                       stat:=Attach[a];
  1366.                       FINDFIRST(p+FName+ext, AnyFile, Sr1);
  1367.                       IF DOSError=0 THEN siz:=Sr1.size ELSE siz:=0;
  1368.                       FindClose(Sr1);
  1369.                       IF StUpCase(p) = StUpCase(ZoneOut) THEN p:='';
  1370.                       path:=p;
  1371.                       IF p = '' THEN typ:='M' ELSE typ:='F';
  1372.                     END;
  1373.                     Inc(Count);
  1374.                     InsertEntry;
  1375.                   END ELSE
  1376.                     AddLog('!', 'OutMan: Out of memory');
  1377.                 END;
  1378.                 Wait^.Animate;
  1379.               END;
  1380.               f.Done;
  1381.             END;
  1382.             IF Count=0 THEN
  1383.             BEGIN
  1384.               New(OutboundPtr,Init);
  1385.               IF OutboundPtr<>NIL THEN
  1386.               BEGIN
  1387.                 WITH OutboundPtr^ DO
  1388.                 BEGIN
  1389.                   Name:='';
  1390.                   path:='';
  1391.                   Address.Zone:=GlobZone;
  1392.                   IF GlobNet=0 THEN
  1393.                   BEGIN
  1394.                     Val('$'+Copy(sr.Name, 1, 4), Address.Net, test);
  1395.                     Val('$'+Copy(sr.Name, 5, 4), Address.Node, test);
  1396.                     Address.Point:=0;
  1397.                   END ELSE
  1398.                   BEGIN
  1399.                     Address.Net:=GlobNet;
  1400.                     Address.Node:=GlobNode;
  1401.                     Val('$'+Copy(sr.Name, 5, 4), Address.Point, test);
  1402.                   END;
  1403.                   stat:=Attach[a];
  1404.                   siz:=0;
  1405.                   typ:='P';
  1406.                 END;
  1407.                 InsertEntry;
  1408.               END ELSE
  1409.                 AddLog('!', 'OutMan: Out of memory');
  1410.             END;
  1411.             FindNext(sr);
  1412.           END;
  1413.           FindClose(sr);
  1414.         END;
  1415.       END;
  1417.     BEGIN
  1418.       New(Wait, Init((ScreenHeight DIV 2)-2, 3, 'Scanning outbound'));
  1419.       FINDFIRST(cfg.outbound+'.*', Directory, Srec);
  1420.       OutName:=JustFileName(cfg.outbound);
  1421.       GlobNet:=0; GlobNode:=0;
  1422.       WHILE DOSERROR=0 DO
  1423.       BEGIN
  1424.         Test:=0;
  1425.         IF Srec.Name=OutName THEN
  1426.           GlobZone:=cfg.Addresses[Cfg.MainAdrNum].Zone
  1427.         ELSE
  1428.         BEGIN
  1429.           p:=Copy(Srec.Name, pos('.', Srec.Name)+1, Length(Srec.Name) - pos('.', Srec.Name)+1);
  1430.           Val('$'+p, GlobZone, test);
  1431.           IF GlobZone=Cfg.Addresses[Cfg.MainAdrNum].Zone THEN
  1432.           BEGIN
  1433.             FindNext(SRec);
  1434.             Continue;
  1435.           END;
  1436.         END;
  1437.         IF (Test=0) AND (GlobZone<>0) THEN
  1438.         BEGIN
  1439.           ZoneOut:=HoldAreaNameMunge(GlobZone,False);
  1440.           SearchDir;
  1441.           FindFirst(ZoneOut+'*.PNT',Directory,sr3);
  1442.           ss:=ZoneOut;
  1443.           WHILE DosError=0 DO
  1444.           BEGIN
  1445.             ZoneOut:=AddBackSlash(ss+Sr3.Name);
  1446.             Val('$'+Copy(sr3.Name, 1, 4), GlobNet, i);
  1447.             Val('$'+Copy(sr3.Name, 5, 4), GlobNode, i);
  1448.             SearchDir;
  1449.             FindNext(sr3);
  1450.           END;
  1451.           FindClose(sr3);
  1452.         END;
  1453.         GlobNet:=0; GlobNode:=0;
  1454.         Wait^.Animate;
  1455.         FINDNEXT(Srec);
  1456.       END;
  1457.       FindClose(SRec);
  1459.       New(BadWaZOOFile, Open(StartPath+PoPBadWaZooFileName, SizeOf(TBadWaZOO), False));
  1460.       IF BadWaZOOFile<>Nil THEN
  1461.       BEGIN
  1462.         WHILE BadWaZOOFile^.NextRec(BadWaZOORec, NoKeep) DO
  1463.         BEGIN
  1464.           WITH BadWaZOORec DO
  1465.           BEGIN
  1466.             FindFirst(Cfg.Inbound[BadWaZooRec.NodeStat]+NewName, AnyFile, Sr);
  1467.             IF DOSError<>0 THEN Sr.Size:=0;
  1468.             FindClose(Sr);
  1469.             New(OutboundPtr,Init);
  1470.             IF OutboundPtr<>NIL THEN
  1471.             BEGIN
  1472.               OutboundPtr^.Name:=NewName;
  1473.               OutboundPtr^.Address:=BadWaZooRec.Address;
  1474.               OutboundPtr^.stat:=' ';
  1475.               OutboundPtr^.siz:=FSize;
  1476.               OutboundPtr^.path:=FName+' ('+Long2Str(Sr.Size)+') -> ';
  1477.               OutboundPtr^.typ:='W';
  1478.               InsertEntry;
  1479.             END ELSE
  1480.               AddLog('!', 'OutMan: Out of memory');
  1481.             Wait^.Animate;
  1482.           END;
  1483.         END;
  1484.         Dispose(BadWaZOOFile, Close);
  1485.       END;
  1487.       New(UnDialableFile, Open(StartPath+PoPUndialFileName, SizeOf(TUnDialable), False));
  1488.       IF UnDialableFile<>Nil THEN
  1489.       BEGIN
  1490.         WHILE UnDialableFile^.NextRec(UnDialableRec, NoKeep) DO
  1491.         BEGIN
  1492.           WITH UnDialableRec DO
  1493.           BEGIN
  1494.             New(OutboundPtr,Init);
  1495.             IF OutboundPtr<>NIL THEN
  1496.             BEGIN
  1497.               OutboundPtr^.Name:='';
  1498.               OutboundPtr^.Address:=UndialableRec.Address;
  1499.               OutboundPtr^.stat:=' ';
  1500.               OutboundPtr^.siz:=0;
  1501.               OutboundPtr^.path:='NoConnect: '+LongIntForm('##',NoConnect)+' BadWaZOO: '+LongIntForm('###',BadWaZOO);
  1502.               OutboundPtr^.typ:='Z';
  1503.               InsertEntry;
  1504.             END ELSE
  1505.               AddLog('!', 'OutMan: Out of memory');
  1506.           END;
  1507.           Wait^.Animate;
  1508.         END;
  1509.         Dispose(UnDialableFile, Close);
  1510.       END;
  1511.       Dispose(Wait, Done);
  1512.     END;
  1514.   BEGIN
  1515.     FillChar(Call, SizeOf(Call), 0);
  1516.     IF Not SetInterCom(ICOutman,Call,True) THEN Exit;
  1517.     Outbound.Init;
  1518.     WITH cfg.color[2] DO
  1519.     BEGIN
  1520.       mywin(Temp, 1, 2, 80, ScreenHeight-2, 2, 'Outbound Manager',False);
  1521.       Temp^.wFastText('   Address    Type    Stat       Size  Filename                               ', 1, 1);
  1522.       mywin(Temp3, 1, ScreenHeight-1, 80, ScreenHeight, 2, '',False);
  1523.       temp3^.wfasttext('F1=Help          F2=Delete      F3=Request     F4=Send File     F5=ReAddress', 1, 2);
  1524.       temp3^.wfasttext('F6=Change Stat   F7=View File   F8=Poll        F9=Upd. Req.     F0=Global Cmd.', 2, 2);
  1525.     END;
  1526.     ScanOutbound;
  1527.     Temp^.Select;
  1529.     OutboundPtr:=OutboundPtrType(OutBound.Head);
  1530.     FirstLine:=OutboundPtr;
  1531.     MarkCount:=0;
  1532.     WriteOutbound;
  1534.     BrowseList;
  1536.     KillWindow(Temp3);
  1537.     KillWindow(Temp);
  1538.     Outbound.Done;
  1539.   END;
  1541. END.